
Coding is an essential skill of the 21st Century.

It’s a lot like learning a new language.

What is coding for kids? What is the appropriate age to start?

Coding is another term for computer programming.
It is taught to children using subject material that would appeal to them and involves creative thinking.
Coding classes are typically gamified to make it fun & engaging for kids!
Children as young as age 5 can learn to code using visual block interfaces or age-appropriate text-based coding classes.

It may surprise us to see young children learning something so seemingly complex, but it is possible. 

The overwhelming feeling is understandable given the ocean of information we are witnessing. 

Like everything else, learning to code is a process.

It’s like learning a new language or an instrument, a student must commit an hour of training daily to master the skill.

If you are good at math you will be good at coding. Coding not only encourages children to apply math concepts in real life, but also helps develop a problem-solving mindset. While your child is playing a game, he will start thinking about how it was created!

About Coding + Math!
Many students find it difficult to learn maths through traditional methods of teaching. It is not the subject which is boring, but the way it is taught.  At Cuemath, children learn to visualise math, with simulations and real-life examples. Like, social distancing is nothing but a lesson in geometry!
*insert the 6 metres image we use in our ads*

Math and coding go hand-in-hand. And to ensure the best outcome for analytical and creative thinking in children, we ventured into teaching Coding!

The Google Search algorithm uses linear algebra intuitively to assign a website ranking system for various keywords

  • OTP & Credit Card encryption relies heavily on the properties of prime numbers
  • Amazon and Netflix recommendation engines are powered by probability & statistics
  • Disney’s famed animations use coordinate geometry in 3D rendering and defining the rules of the universe of its favourite characters for creative expressions.

All of the above are intuitive applications of math in coding.

When kids learn how to code, they are applying mathematical  principles and developing strong analytical thinking which will help them in many areas of their academic and personal life. With the lockdown, there is an increase of screen-time with kids. Drive their curiosity and make their screen time count by understanding how apps and games are developed rather than spending time on them.

We propose a FREE Demo class to help you understand the Cuemath methodology.
Do attend it with your child, you might just be amazed by the world of possibilities with Coding.

Click here to Book a Slot
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